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Classical Revolution ICT is redefining classical music by taking it out of the concert hall and into alternative venues - like coffeeshops and breweries - where we can all be ourselves and enjoy good music and good company. Based in Wichita, KS, we provide a space for local musicians to showcase their talents as soloists and chamber musicians.


Our Bach & Brews series, hosted by Tor Brewing, is a free monthly concert series that is building community and camaraderie around classical music in a casual atmosphere. Classical Revolution ICT was inspired by similar movements around the country that are recontextualizing classical music by bringing it to alternative venues with casual atmospheres, aiming to build community between musicians and audiences new to classical music.

We believe in the power of classical music to bring people together, inspire creativity, and build a sense of community.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to redefine how the public experiences classical music by showcasing local musicians and welcoming new audiences in alternative venues.


Our Vision

Our vision is a community built around a shared love of classical music and creating a safe space for musicians to share their art.

Support Classical Revolution ICT Today!

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